What are your views on local outreach provision?
Ipsos MORI, an independent research organisation, has been appointed by the Office for Students to evaluate Phase 2 of the Uni Connect programme (previously known as NCOP). As part of this, they are interested in hearing the views and experiences of staff in schools/colleges that have participated in targeted outreach through Southern Universities Network, as well as those who have not.
If you work in an education environment and would like to help us understand schools/colleges’ experiences of the Uni Connect programme, please:
- Complete the survey using the link below
- Share this page with staff involved in outreach at schools/colleges
We still want to hear from you even if you haven’t participated in the Uni Connect programme.
The survey will take between 5-15 minutes to complete, depending on your level of engagement with the programme.
The findings will be used for research purposes only, and will be used to inform the ongoing development and future funding of Uni Connect, as well as wider Government policy aimed at supporting young people’s education and progression. For more information, please see the Privacy Notice
If you have any questions about this online survey or the wider evaluation, please do not hesitate to contact us via uniconnect@ipsos-mori.com