Welcome to TEDxBargateED!
Thank you for saying yes to become a part of the TEDxBargateED community.
On this page, you will find all resources and activities that you need to make the most out of your virtual TEDxED experience. Let’s start!

Becki | Organiser
passionate about
Ensuring that education and experiences can be accessible to everyone.
Life is better upside down
my favourite ted talk
I have so many but one of the top ones is ‘How we can eat our landscapes’

Carla | Co-organiser
passionate about
Equality & Diversity.
Education & widening
access & participation.
“Be kind, for
everyone you meet is
fighting a hard Battle.” – Plato
my favourite ted talk
‘My year of reading a
book from every
country in the world’,
by Ann Morgan

Rosie | Co-organiser
passionate about
Education for young
people and mindset
The only person that can waste your time is you.
my favourite ted talk

Emily | Co-organiser
passionate about
and support
for everyone
to reach their
full potential.
“You can’t
change the
past, but you
can change
your future.” –
Reggie Dabbs
my favourite ted talk
‘The benefits
of a bilingual
brain’ by Mia
pre-event resources and activities
We are so excited to introduce our amazing speakers to you. Below is an exclusive sneak peak into who our speakers are and the ideas they will be sharing with you at the event.

Moj is an Edinburgh Fringe First winning actor, and stand up comedian. He was selected for the BBC’s Stand Up If You Dare competition for new comics – being mentored in comedy by Jasper Carrott. He was the first Taylor of his family to graduate a higher education course. He is also a PADI Divemaster, and has assisted on various conservation projects on seagrass and carbon emissions in the UK and The Baltic Sea. He is passionate about getting young people to scuba dive, as a way to develop their focus, soft skills, self-confidence and resilience.

David has worked for 24 years as a full-time science Communicator. The whole of this time David has spent writing, developing and performing material for young people through workshops, shows, training events and street performance sets both in the UK and in over 40 countries around the world.
Everyone can learn science through the art of busking

David is a well-known author, commentator, broadcaster, trainer, international speaker and media contributor. David’s interests and expertise include – Men in Early Years, Early Years pedagogy, neuroscience and trauma informed care, adoption, relationship support. David is the national representative for England to the World Forum on Early Childhood Education. He is the founder of
charity Families First Southampton which works with families in need in the city.
You can teach compassion through pain and empathy

Dene is a self-taught entrepreneur who has dedicated the past 18 years of his life dedicated to training young people on essential life-skills that bridge the gap between the teenager years and adulthood. His highly active and diverse personal and professional life has allowed him to inspire, guide and mentor over 60,000 young people from around the globe, regardless of the backgrounds, to broaden their horizons, challenge their aspirations and live their ultimate lives.
Modernising education to meet the worlds needs

Georgina is a senior education specialist, author of 6 Gems for the Love of Reading and mum of 4. Throughout her career, Georgina has remained focused on equality in education successfully working towards her mission to enhance education for all students. With a Jamaican and Guyanese heritage, Georgina positively reflects on her own experiences to improve education for all. As a senior education improvement specialist, Georgina has been responsible for English as an additional Language Teaching (Local Authority, Guest lecturing), led supplementary schools and has been awarded with a North East Community Recognition Award for her local contributions to diversity and inclusion.
We can change the world through reading

Jon Hering is the Head of Business Development for a leading enterprise challenge provider. Having been educated in the USA, Australia, and the UK, Jon brings a unique perspective to how education policy can be developed to not only provide young people with necessary academic information, but to also support the development of their business and employability skills. Jon looks forward to engaging at the intersection of industry and education to progress the UK’s long term educational vision.
Has the covid educational world pathed the way for deeper collaboration?

Former soldier Jordan Wylie is an award winning adventurer, bestselling author and one of the cast of Channel 4’s BAFTA nominated shows Hunted and Celebrity Hunted. Jordan is also currently the United Kingdom’s national ambassador for the Army Cadet Force
Sometimes you need to disconnect to reconnect, how does social media affect you?

After qualifying as a barrister in Nigeria, Uzo moved to Wales where she nowserves as the chief executive officer of Race Council Cymru and sits on the board of several voluntary
organisations. This includes serving as the chairperson of the African Community Centre in Wales, which she founded in 2004. Uzo has served with the Police National Diversity team, based at the Home Office, where she was involved in developing national policies on race relations and diversity.
Rising Through the Storms – A Personal Journey Adversity
You are welcome to have your camera on or off. If you decide to keep your camera on, you are welcome to use our TEDxBargateED virtual background. Why not?
If you do not fancy having your camera on, try making an Avatar of yourself to join in the fun!
discussion group
Besides talks and sharing from our guest speakers, joining our TEDxBargateED Disussion Group is one of the best ways for you to get to know other participants, network and share your ideas.
We’ll be using Future Steps as the messaging platform for the group. Future Steps is designed to put you in a safe messaging environment, where you are directly in contact with the TEDx organisers, speakers and other attendees. Meaningful discussions in the group will be facilitated by TEDxBargateED organisers. Also, if you have any questions prior, during and after the event, we are here to help!
book, blog, article and video recommendations
If you are interested in learning more about our speakers, their ideas and how you can
implement these ideas worth sharing have a look at our tailor made book list!
You can also get involved in the discussions on Twitter #TEDxBargateED #envisionED #TEDxED
Or follow us on Instagram @tedxbargateed
Have a go at making your own TED letters for the event!
Put them on show for the event and join in our TEDx community!
We are going to be creating a virtual scrap book throughout the event to share with you and our speakers afterwards to capture memories, ideas and the energy from the first ever Virtual TEDxBargateED!
Watch this space for more information.
We want to make sure that you have a great time with us, therefore we have created this Guide to Zoom and online code of conduct for everyone who attends which includes organisers, our volunteers, all participants. By attending TEDxBargateED, you have confirmed that you read the Guide and agreed to the code of conduct.
Becki, Organiser | r.a.warrillow@soton.ac.uk| 07795 603 087
Carla, Co-organiser | c.a.wiggs@soton.ac.uk | 07717 516 048
Rosie, Co-organiser | rosie.pham@solent.ac.uk | 07447 920 426