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At SUN we work with 139 schools across the region to deliver the Uni Connect programme to students through workshops, events and activities. We also offer a great range of online resources to use in the classroom or at home such as our Career Toolkit, online guides, video library and much more. You can find plenty of resources for your students on this page as well as information about our CPD opportunities and signposting to other helpful organisations to support students in their education.

Career Toolkit

Here you’ll find free resources, lesson guides and activities to complement your career programme.

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Our Life, University and EverythingTo Infinity, Choices and Beyond guides our a fantastic resource for students to find out about university & future pathways.

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Jargon Buster

We know there can be lots of confusing language around Further & Higher Education for students, which is why we have this tool to help.

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Video Library

Explore our collection of self-directed video resources which can be used in tutor time.

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Educational Pathways


Apprenticeships offer the chance to combine practical, on-the-job training as well as earning an income. Click the link below to explore resources to support your students with applying.

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University offers many benefits, click the link below to find resources to help support your students through their next steps.

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Supporting a student who is applying late? Or going through clearing? Click here to find resources

This is fun, I never really thought about my skills and passions before and how to turn those into jobs in the future.

– Year 9 student



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Here you will find resources on what to expect from a careers fair and information on finding the right career path for you.

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Flying Start

Flying Start is jam-packed with information and activities that can help students plan their next steps in education or training. Not only that, we’ve included lots of resources to help prepare for life, study, and work after school. All to ensure students have the Flying Start they deserve!

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Empowering Student Voice

We have created this page where you will find a range of useful information and resources that relate to student voice in schools and beyond. These resources will be particularly useful if you have students that are currently a member of a student council or would like to be in the future.

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SUN Small Project Fund

The Small Project Fund (SPF) initiative gives specific schools across the SUN region the opportunity to bid for funding to deliver projects and activities that support the aims of the Uni Connect programme. Schools can bid for up to a maximum of £5,000.

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SUN Events & CPD

The SUN programme encompasses a wide range of events, workshops and CPD opportunities. Click the link below to find out more.

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We know there can be lots of confusing language around Further & Higher Education for students, which is why we have this tool to help.

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National Events

Powered By UniTasterDays

The ‘From Our Experience’ Podcast

This podcast is all about celebrating the different experiences of individual students at university, particularly students who have experience of the care system or are estranged from their parents.

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