Southampton SEND Information & Opportunities | Parents & Carers
This leaflet, developed by Hampshire Careers Partnership, explains the support that’s available at colleges for young people with a special educational need and/or a disability. Take a look to find out what support your young person might be entitled to.
Re:Minds is a Southampton based organisation supporting families whose children/young people have Autism, ADHD or other neurodiverse needs and/or mental health needs – with or without a diagnosis. Their aim is to allow people whose children face similar issues to meet up in an informal setting to share knowledge and talk about any challenges families are facing. They don’t claim to be experts, just other families who understand what it can feel like to be on this journey.
They are the primary link between families and Southampton Specialist CAMHS and offer speakers on a range of topics.
Southampton SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs & Disability Information Advice & Support Service) aims to empower children and young people with special educational needs/disabilities, and their parents and carers, to make informed decisions about education, health and social care. Visit their website to find out more.
The 0-25 service offers additional help for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN). This can be due to: physical disability, speech, sight, or hearing problems, learning, emotional, or behavioural difficulties and/or medical or health problems. If you’re a parents/carer of a young person with SEN, you can contact the Southampton SEN team to enquire about additional support.