Isle of Wight Colleges, Sixth Forms & Training Providers
Isle of Wight Colleges, Sixth Forms & Training Providers
The resources below will take you to the relevant post-16 websites where you will find information and introductory activities for a wide range of programmes on offer.
Sixth Forms
The Island VI Form is in central Newport, and forms part of the IW Education Federation (IWEF) along with Medina College and Carisbrooke College.
Cowes Enterprise College Sixth Form is part of Cowes Enterprise College in the North of the Island, and is an OAT Academy (Ormiston Academies Trust).
East Wight Sixth Form (Ryde Academy) is part of Ryde Academy in the East of the Island, and is an AET Academy (Academies Enterprise Trust).
Christ the King College Sixth Form is part of Christ the King College in Carisbrooke, Newport.
The Isle of Wight College is a Further and Higher Education College providing vocational and work-based courses. The main campus is in Newport where the majority of courses are taught, and it has a further site in Whippingham where Engineering courses are taught (CECAMM).
Training Providers
HTP Apprenticeship College is an Isle of Wight company providing vocational and work-based courses across the Isle of Wight and the South Coast. It has two campuses on the Island in central Newport, and one campus in Portsmouth.
UKSA provides professional and further education courses in yachting and water sports and is the largest provider of RYA courses in the world. UKSA is based in Cowes and has residential and day student provision. Further Education students are linked to the IW College.
Platform One is a College providing further and higher education courses in Music. Further Education students are linked to the IW College, and Higher Education courses are linked to the University of Chichester.
SMART Training and Recruitment is an Isle of Wight company providing work-based courses across England. The administrative centre is in Newport.
CLC is an Isle of Wight company providing work-based courses, of which many (but not all) are directly related to the Health and Social Care Sector. It is based in Newport.