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Festival of Industries

Location: Location TBC

Date: Date TBC

Time: Time TBC

Fully Booked

Taking place across the SUN region, the events will provide students with the opportunity to gain a hands-on, interactive experience with local employers for the day.

Employers will task the students with a practical brief, reflecting the work within their businesses and the opportunities available to young people.

The following events are now available to book this Spring Term and will take place from 09:30 – 14:30, click button below to sign up:

Thursday 21 March 2024 – Arts University Bournemouth – fully booked

Thursday 2 May 2024 – Bournemouth University – fully booked

TUESDAY 4 JUNE 2024 – University of Winchester

Wednesday 3 July 2024 – Portsmouth University

The opportunity is open to Year 10 students* to support their participation/knowledge of different industries. These events will feature fun, dynamic, and engaging workshops with employers.

The Festival of Industries will be completely free of charge. There is also the potential for the SUN to support with travel costs – if required, please add those details to the relevant section of the booking form. Please note that lunch will not be provided; please ensure students bring a packed lunch with them.

Please note that places are limited and completing the booking form does not confirm your place. We will respond to your application as soon as possible to let you know if it has been successful.

*As an OFS funded programme with specific aims to support Uni Connect (UC) learners and their progression, we would like as many learners as possible attending to be Uni Connect (those young people living in an UC ‘target ward’, identified by your SPoC Activity reports. Please contact if you require assistance identifying students).