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Empowering Student Voice Conference

Location: Bournemouth University

Date: 5 June 2024

Time: 9:30am - 2:15pm

Dive into a day of empowerment at our Empowering Student Voice Conference! Designed for members of Student Councils in years 7 – 11, this event offers a unique opportunity to develop new skills, learn from peers, and spark innovative ideas.

Fully Booked
  • Campus Experience
  • Nurture Co-Production
  • Boost Confidence

What will the event include?

Opening Keynote and Workshops

We’re kicking things off with a bang! Members of the Youth Parliament will set the stage with a welcome keynote. Following this, dive into hands-on workshops with our partners at Unloc ( and the Speakers Trust (, guiding students in ‘Designing Effective Campaigns’, and honing in on ‘Speaking with Confidence’. As a bonus, Unloc is offering students exclusive access to ‘Unloc+’, a digital platform brimming with leadership development opportunities.

Student Voice and University Experience

Ever wondered how your voice can make a difference? Our Students Union will shed light on the ‘Importance of Student Voice’. This session includes insights into achieving impactful student representation in a university setting, featuring our sabbatical officers. And to top it off, get an exclusive tour of the Students Union facilities to see where all the magic happens!

Reflecting and Making Pledges

As the day winds down, it’s time to reflect on all the learning and inspiration gathered. Students will have the chance to discuss and agree upon some meaningful ‘pledges’ to take back to school. But that’s not all! School staff can join in too, reflecting alongside other school council leaders during this closing session. It’s a perfect wrap-up to an action-packed day!

Who is it for?

Our Empowering Student Voice Conference is tailored for Student Council members in years 7 to 11. Dive into a range of dynamic and inspiring workshops, offering students the opportunity to hone new skills, exchange insights with peers, and spark innovative ideas.

Further Information

Want to know how last years conference went?
Check out our blog!

Or check out our online
Empowering Student Voice resources!

‘Fun, involved, equal’: I learnt the 10 techniques of speaking and being able to communicate with people I don’t know really well

Anonymous – STUDENT

Event Organisers

If you have any questions about this event please contact:

Bradley Crack

SUN Project Lead at Solent University

Pete Thompson

SUN Project Lead at Bournemouth University